Site Map

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IntroductionBasics | |||
├ The Immune SystemThe immune system's response to invaders. | |||
├ The Injection ProblemSubcutaneous and other injection procedures bypass critical immune system processing, leading to many health issues associated with vaccination. | |||
├ Early VaccinationsSmallpox was one of the first conditions for which a vaccine was developed. | |||
├ The RisksVaccine risks are greatly underestimated. | |||
├ Are They Obsolete?Dr. Peter McCullough wonders if most vaccines have become obsolete. | |||
└ Why I Wrote This ArticleThe motivation behind these web pages. | |||
The ClaimsThe misleading marketing claims behind vaccinationls. | |||
The ResearchSome of the research behind vaccines that is not well known. | |||
├ Vaxxed versus UnvaxxedThey're difficult to find, and some have been intentionally hidden, but there are studies that address vaccinated versus unvaccinated subjects. | |||
│ | ├ Vaccination in GeneralRoutine vaccinations produce a surprisingly large number of disease conditions in children as they grow older, according to these studies. | ||
│ | │ | ├ Asthma and Hay FeverThese studies show a marked increase in asthma and other respiratory issues in children who have had the normal course of vaccinations, compared to those who have had no vaccinations. | |
│ | │ | ├ Cardiorespiratory and RefluxCardiorespiratory and reflux complications increased more with multiple versus single vaccinations. | |
│ | │ | ├ Chronic DiseaseAllergic rhinitis is one persistent condition that appears much more frequently in vaccinated children. | |
│ | │ | ├ Deaths By DosesInfant mortality rates increase as the number of vaccine doses increase. | |
│ | │ | ├ DiabetesThis study tracked the increase in Type 1 Diabetes that occurred after the addition of more vaccines to the normal childhood vaccine schedule. | |
│ | │ | ├ Vaccinating EarlyThe earlier you vaccinate a child, the more you risk causing permanent damage to their health. | |
│ | │ | ├ Lung and Ear InfectionsPneumonia and ear infections are more prevalent in children who have been vaccinated. | |
│ | │ | ├ NeurodevelopmentVaccinations of premature babies are correlated with impaired neurological development as the child grows older. | |
│ | │ | ├ Office VisitsVaccination increased office visits for fever, ear infections, conjunctivitis, asthma, breathing issues, anemia, eczema, behavioral issues, gastroenteritis, weight and eating disorders, and respiratory infections. | |
│ | │ | ├ Various DisordersVaccinated children show increases in ear infections, throat inflammation, aggressive behavior, convulsions, fever, antibiotic requirements, hospitalizations, eczema, asthma, allergies, and trouble sleeping. | |
│ | │ | ├ Gulf War SyndromeVaccines received during military service increased the likelihood of Gulf War Syndrome. | |
│ | │ | ├ GWS, Multi-VaxMore vaccines received during military service increased the likelihood of Gulf War Syndrome. | |
│ | │ | └ GWS, Vax While DeployedVaccines received during military service increased the likelihood of Gulf War Syndrome. | |
│ | ├ DPTThe DPT family of vaccines are implicated in an increased number of deaths, allergies, chorioamnionitis, and asthma. | ||
│ | │ | ├ Respiratory AllergiesThe DPT shot, and even the tetanus vaccine alone, increases the chance for children to develop respiratory allergies. | |
│ | │ | ├ ChorioamnionitisThis study suggests that the TDaP vaccine may increase the risk of Chorioamnionitis. | |
│ | │ | ├ AsthmaDelaying the DPT vaccination lessens the risk of asthma. | |
│ | │ | ├ DeathsThe DPT vaccine appears to lead to a dramatic increase in childhood deaths, particularly among girls. | |
│ | │ | ├ Deaths With TB VaxThe DPT vaccination increased mortality in girls who previously had the BCG vaccine. | |
│ | │ | ├ One-Shot DeathsJust a single DPT vaccine is associated with increased child mortality. | |
│ | │ | ├ Deaths In GirlsThis study reinforces earlier work that found an increase in mortality after DPT shots were given. | |
│ | │ | ├ Deaths With TB Vax 2An increase in mortality for girls receiving both the BCG and DPT vaccines. | |
│ | │ | ├ Deaths By DosesThe more DTP vaccines administered to a given child, the more likely they are to die. | |
│ | │ | ├ DPT With Measles VaxA look at the mortality rates when adjusting the sequence of the DPT and measles vaccinations. | |
│ | │ | └ Sudden Infant DeathSIDS deaths increased in children who received the DPT vaccine. | |
│ | ├ Hepatitis BThe vaccine has been associated with autism, ADHD, diabetes, emotional disturbances, liver problems, multiple sclerosis, precocious puberty, sleep disorders, special education needs, and speech disorders. | ||
│ | │ | ├ AutismHepatitis B vaccines have been associated with increased rates of autism. | |
│ | │ | ├ CDC StudyThe CDC tried to bury a study the commissioned that showed vaccines increasing autism, sleep and speech disorders, and ADHD. | |
│ | │ | ├ DiabetesType 1 diabetes increased in New Zealand's children after the Hepatitis B vaccine was introduced. | |
│ | │ | ├ Emotional DisturbancesThis study found a correlation between vaccination and emotional issues specific to childhood and adolescence. | |
│ | │ | ├ Liver ProblemsLiver problems in young children increased following vaccination. | |
│ | │ | ├ Multiple SclerosisThis study confirmed suspicions from previous research that the hepatitis B vaccine triples the likelihood of multiple sclerosis within three years of injection. | |
│ | │ | ├ Premature PubertyThis study found a relationship between early onset of puberty and vaccination. | |
│ | │ | └ Special EducationDevelopmental impairment was demonstrated as a result of vaccinations to the point that many children required special education support. | |
│ | ├ HPVThe research from these studies suggests that the HPV vaccine may increase the risk of asthma, memory issues, involuntary movements, and celiac disease. | ||
│ | │ | ├ AsthmaThe HPV vaccine has been shown to increase the incidence of asthma, particularly in boys. | |
│ | │ | ├ Celiac DiseaseWomen who receive the HPV vaccine have an increased risk of Celiac Disease. | |
│ | │ | └ Neurological DisordersNeurological disorders after HPV inoculation: Memory impairment and Involuntary movement. | |
│ | ├ InfluenzaSome risks versus benefits of influenza vaccines. | ||
│ | │ | ├ Respiratory IllnessRespiratory infections increased after vaccination for influenza, by as much as four times. | |
│ | │ | ├ MiscarriageThe number of spontaneous abortions increased rather dramatically in women who received influenza vaccines. | |
│ | │ | ├ IBD and Bell's PalsyPandemic Influenza A (H1N1) inoculation is associated with an increased risk of Bell's Palsy, Paraesthesia, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | |
│ | │ | ├ NarcolepsyChildren suffered from narcolepsy a as much as a whopping 25 times more often after vaccination. | |
│ | │ | ├ InflammationInflammatory reactions increased after administration of the Influenza vaccine. | |
│ | │ | └ HospitalizationsHospitalizations tripled in asthmatic children after administration of this vaccine. | |
│ | ├ MeaslesThe measles vaccine has been implicated in the development of Atopy, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn's Disease. | ||
│ | │ | ├ AtopyThe measles vaccine increases the risk of subsequent allergic sensitivities when compared to contracting measles naturally. | |
│ | │ | └ ColitisThe measles vaccine has been implemented in the development of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease. | |
│ | ├ MMRThe MMR vaccine is correlated with an increase in likelihood of Autism. | ||
│ | ├ PolioThe polio vaccine has been correlated with Type 1 Diabetes, Crohn's Disease, and Ulcerative Colitis. | ||
│ | │ | ├ DiabetesWhen a child with a family history of diabetes is vaccinated, their risk increases for Type 1 Diabetes. | |
│ | │ | └ ColitisThe polio vaccine has been implemented in the development of Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease. | |
│ | ├ RotavirusThe rotavirus vaccine increases the risk of intussusception. | ||
│ | └ ThimerosalThimerosal is known to be a strong factor in the development of autism, sleep disorders, ADD, and speech problems. | ||
│ | ├ AutismHepatitis B vaccines containing Thimerosal have been shown to increase the likelihood of autism. | ||
│ | ├ ADHDADHD risk increases with Thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccines. | ||
│ | ├ TicsThe incidence of motor and phonics tics are increased with Thimerosal injections. | ||
│ | └ Premature PubertyExposure to Thimerosal appears to be a factor in the premature onset of puberty. | ||
├ EffectivenessWhy vaccines are not as effective as natural immunity. | |||
├ Vaccine-Induced DiseaseVaccines can be responsible for disease outbreaks. | |||
├ A.S.I.A.Research is pointing to adjuvants used in vaccines as one (possibly major) cause of autoimmune disease. | |||
├ AutismSome information and history of autism. | |||
│ | └ StudiesSome of the research associating vaccination with autism. | ||
├ AutoimmunityHow vaccination can lead to autoimmune disorders. | |||
└ Food AllergiesVaccines appear to be a major factor in the development of food allergies. | |||
The VictimsCase history of a vaccine victim. | |||
└ PrestonOur grandson has passed away and no good (official) explanation has been given. | |||
The ComponentsYou may be surprised at what is being injected into your child's body. | |||
├ AdjuvantsAdjuvants are used in vaccines to create an abnormal response in an attempt to enhance effectiveness. | |||
└ Fetal CellsInformation about how cells from aborted fetuses are used to develop vaccines. | |||
Medical ConcernsSome concerns about vaccination for your consideration. | |||
└ What Happened to Zika?An explanation of why the Zika issue disappeared almost as quickly as it rose to national attention. | |||
Site MapA list of pages on this site. |