The Risks

A letter in the British Medical Journal in 1999 recommended that the public should be made aware of the risks associated with vaccination programs, as highlighted by a recent study published by the author. His study found an increase in diabetes in this particular case that more than offset the potential benefits of the vaccine.
The writer's hope was that the increased public awareness would lead to a demand for proper safety studies before widespread inoculation programs were implemented, leading to much safer vaccines.
Unfortunately, it seems the opposite has happened. Adverse vaccine effects are widely suppressed from the public worldwide. In the United States, vaccine manufacturers threatened to halt research and development of vaccines because of the huge liabilities they faced from injured patients. In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed, which made it illegal to sue vaccine manufacturers. Instead, a "no-fault" court was set up to adjudicate claims, to be paid from taxpayer dollars, effectively releasing the companies from liability.
As of November 2018, this National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program had paid out $4 billion for the 6,276 claims it had deemed justified. Most of the claims are rejected by the court, about two thirds overall. It is estimated that fewer than 1% of adverse reactions are actually reported.
One must wonder about how much of their profits these huge pharmaceutical companies are willing to spend to ensure safety and effectiveness when neither one has any effect on their bottom line.