Why I Wrote This Article

When I was an active health care practitioner, I was very concerned and outspoken about basic health principles. I did my best to use my training and understanding to educate others in how to restore and maintain health, as well as prevent disease. Somewhere along the line, it began to seem as though I was caring about others' health more than they were. Perhaps I was simply using the wrong approach to educate, or maybe it was just a matter of an individual's priorities pointing them in different directions at that specific point in their life. In any case, it became apparent that, save for a few well-motivated patients, it was a hugely inefficient use of time and energy to try to fight the mass-marketed programming and fixed notions that are so prevalent in our society today.

I am now perfectly happy to let others travel their own path without comment, even if they are obviously heading toward a danger that has been well documented by researchers or clinical practitioners. I have found that trying to impart a new understanding that conflicts with a pre-conceived idea is generally a waste of time if the person is not ready to consider it.

Having said that, when I see information being hidden from people who genuinely are searching for answers, when I see outright fraud and deceptive practices being used to mislead the public, and when I see people persecuted for trying to bring facts to light, I get very annoyed. That is what is motivating me to write this article, despite the fact that I am no longer in practice, have nothing to sell, and have certainly more fun things to do with what remains of my life.

Introduction The Claims The Research The Victims The Components Medical Concerns Site Map
Updated: December 29, 2024