Fetal Cells

Many people have serious ethical and/or religious concerns about the use of aborted children for the development of vaccines. Here are some links that provide some information.
Many memes and articles will proclaim that "vaccines do not contain fetal cells". But what they rarely tell you is that while there are no whole cells from a fetus in the vaccine itself, cell lines from aborted babies were used to manufacture and sometimes test the components (i.e., virus) that will go into most of the disputed vaccines.

- THE ETHICS OF THE WALVAX-2 CELL STRAIN: A discussion concerning the ethics of harvesting a fetus using special methods to keep the organs and tissues intact until desired components can be extracted.

- Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, Walvax-2 - The development of the HDCS, Walvax-2 cell strain from the lung of a fetus.

- Injecting Death: Promising life, while thriving on death. A list of aborted fetal cell lines and which vaccines in which they are used.

- MORAL REFLECTIONS ON VACCINES PREPARED FROM CELLS DERIVED FROM ABORTED HUMAN FOETUSES - An examination of the subject from the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Vatican.

- Serial Cultivation of Human Diploid Cells in the Lab - Describes how human cells are used to get around the problem of aging cell cultures.

- Vaccine Ingredients - Fetal Cells - Explains why cells from babies are used for vaccines.