Produce Codes

Price Lookup Codes (PLU) are assigned to nearly every fruit and vegetable and are generally seen as a sticker with a bar code on produce in your grocery store. There is a voluntary international specification (described here), but be aware that some retail outlets may use different conventions. The cashier can scan the sticker to find the price that has been assigned for that item in that particular store.
They also provide some extra information if you know how the codes are organized:
- 4-digit codes: These are conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables (possibly genetically modified) which have been grown using pesticides and other non-organic techniques. They will normally start with a 3 or 4, and identify the specific type. Packages of pre-cut fruits or vegetables will start with a 6.
Five-digit codes will include these as the last 4 digits.
- 5-digit codes starting with the number 3: These items have been treated with ionizing radiation, also known as Electronic Pasteurization.
- 5-digit codes starting with an 8: This used to signify genetically modified produce; but regulations have been changed to allow producers to hide that fact. As a consequence, these codes are rarely used anymore. You can assume now that any produce with a 4-digit code might be genetically modified.
- 5-digit codes starting with a 9: This produce has been grown and handled according to the Organic Foods specifications.
See also: