Site Map

This page lists all the topics on this site. You can use your browser's search mechanism (usually CTRL+F) to look for key words in the topic or description, then click on the associated link to jump directly there.
HomeOur environment has become increasingly toxic. These pages describe some of the lesser-understood threats to our health. | ||
Food and NutritionYou are what you eat. Now more than ever. | ||
├ Nitrates and NitritesNitrates and Nitrites in our food. | ||
├ GlyphosateGlyphosate in our food supply. | ||
│ | ├ DesiccationGlyphosate is used for quickly drying out crops before harvesting. | |
│ | ├ Toxic EffectsGlyphosate's effects on humans. | |
│ | └ Contaminated FoodsA list of processed foods most contaminated with glyphosate residues. | |
├ GMO Food CropsSome common crops that have been genetically modified. | ||
│ | ├ CertificationsInformation about Non-GMO certifications. | |
│ | └ Toxicity ConcernsSome of what we know about the effects of GMO foods on human health. | |
├ FishConsiderations relating to fish consumption. | ||
│ | ├ TilapiaTilapia for human consumption are not bioengineered but may have other issues. | |
│ | └ SalmonYou need to do some looking to find farmed salmon that are not genetically modified. | |
├ Organic FoodsHow organic foods differ from non-GMO types, and other considerations. | ||
├ Produce CodesA summary of the voluntary international Price Lookup Codes for produce. | ||
└ Other ConcernsMore things to worry about in your foods. | ||
Environmental ChemicalsThe proliferation of chemicals in our environment. | ||
├ Forever ChemicalsThe PFAS class of chemicals that never go away. | ||
│ | ├ Toxic EffectsWhat we know about PFAS toxicity. | |
│ | ├ TeflonA description of Teflon, its discovery, and dangers. | |
│ | ├ Saturating the WorldThe story of how the 3M company suppressed information about the danges of PFAS chemicals. | |
│ | └ Lowering PFAS LevelsSome possible actions you can take to lower the level of PFAS in your body. | |
├ Vinyl Chloride and DioxinsWhat you should understand about vinyl chloride and dioxins. | ||
├ PharmaceuticalsThe infiltration of pharmaceuticals into our drinking water. | ||
├ AtrazineAlex Jones was right about atrazine. | ||
├ BisphenolsBisphenols are toxic chemicals used in water bottles, food containers, and a variety of other consumer goods. | ||
└ FluorideWater fluoridation can lower IQ in children. | ||
EMF RadiationSome general information on electromagnetic field radiation. | ||
├ The Physics of EMFsAn explanation of what makes up an electromagnetic wave and how it propagates. | ||
│ | ├ SuntansHow ultraviolet light interacts with your body to produce a suntan. | |
│ | ├ Radio WavesHow radio waves interact with object to produce an electric current. | |
│ | └ Effects on NeuronsHow electromagnetic waves interact with nerve cells. | |
├ EMF Health ImpactsKnown effects of electromagnetic waves on human health. | ||
│ | └ Microwave SyndromeSome background on Microwave Syndrom and Electro-Hypersensitivity. | |
├ Wi-FiA Wi-Fi router is one of the worst sources of EMF radiation you can have in your home. | ||
└ 8 Harms From EMF ExposureTr. Martin L. Pall explains eight major harms caused by low level EMF radiation that surrounds all of us continuously. | ||
Protect YourselfTips for protecting yourself from a toxic environment. | ||
├ Avoid Food ToxinsA few tips for avoiding food contaminants. | ||
├ Avoid Environmental ToxinsTips for avoiding toxins in the environment. | ||
└ Avoid EMF RadiationStrategies to avoid excessive electromagnetic field radiation. | ||
More InformationSome detailed information about the discussed topics. | ||
├ GlyphosateMore details for glyphosate. | ||
│ | ├ Toxic LegacyHow the weedkiller glyphosate is destroying our health and the environment. | |
│ | └ Mode of ActionHow glyphosate kills plants and bacteria. | |
├ PFASMore information about PFAS contamination. | ||
│ | └ Examples of PFASA few examples of PFAS chemicals and their chemical descriptions. | |
└ EMFsMore resources to investigate relating to EMF radiation effects on our bodies. | ||
└ Brain Neurotransmitters | ||
Site MapA list of pages on this site. |