Why People Hate Donald Trump

People who express intense dislike for Donald Trump can come from different walks of life, including political leaders, high tech executives, media moguls, religious leaders, and big business players, among others.
Here are a few of the actions he's taken that seem to really annoy people:
He donates his entire paycheck to various causes.
Each pay period, he has donated his pay to organizations like the National Park Service, the U.S. Education Department, the Transportation Department, the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. This tends to make other politicians appear like greedy bastards, especially when they start their careers with relatively modest bank accounts and mysteriously end up as multi-millionaires. -
Did not go to war with North Korea
A war with North Korea was imminent when Trump took office, an expectation that was communicated by President Obama as he transferred power. The fact that the war never materialized obviously messed up a lot of plans, and is probably the cause of a lot of friction between the president and the Pentagon. -
He brokered the Abraham Accords Middle East peace and trade deal.
This was an historic agreement that had eluded a long line of presidents before him, either intentionally or perhaps they just didn't have the skill. It makes them all look pretty bad, though. -
Criminal Justice Reform
The First Step Act has been described as "the most significant criminal justice reform legislation in years" and was endorsed by factions on both ends of the political spectrum. It eases mandatory sentencing, makes it easier to for most inmates to obtain early release when they exhibit good behavior and also enroll in rehabilitative programs, and is retroactive. It also banned certain practices such as shackling women during childbirth. I'm sure people think this is being too nice to criminals. -
He takes Pro-Life actions.
President Trump signed the Born Alive executive order which enforces legal requirements to provide life-sustaining medical support to babies that are born after surviving abortion attempts. In addition to pro-life policies impacting the body-parts-for-sale business, a sure way to tick off many people (especially swinging young bachelors) is to suggest that a fetus growing inside a woman is just a human baby who has not yet been born. -
He is aggressively targeting Human Traffickers.
Several pieces of legislation have been signed into law toward this end, and over 5,000 human traffickers have been arrested in the last 3 years. This has obvious economic implications and disrupts the availability of child sex-slaves-for-hire, so it's easy to see why this would upset so many people. -
He moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.
Most other presidents before him had promised that same thing of course, but they were clever enough to never actually do it so that their antisemitic supporters weren't offended. -
His administration created and completed the USMCA trade deal to replace NAFTA.
Aside from the many benefits to all the countries involved, one of the requirements of this new trade deal was to Mexico would overhaul its labor laws, one consequence of which gave workers the right to collective bargaining and improving the lives of Mexican workers. This is sure to put a serious dent into the profits of Mexican-based industries. -
Employment records were broken.
Halfway into his first term, more Americans were employed than ever recorded before in our history. Black, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates were the lowest in recorded history. I'm not quite sure why this infuriates so many people, but it probably has to do with labor becoming more expensive as employers have to compete for workers. Or maybe they just don't think minorities should have as many jobs available to them.With the COVID-19 debacle, state governors shut down their economies which helped bring employment back down to pre-Trump levels, but seemingly to their chagrin, the employment situation appears to be rebounding rather dramatically once again despite their attempts to prolong the situation.
Lowered Medical Drug Prices
He signed an executive order requiring drug companies to charge Americans no more than they charge foreign countries, thereby taking money almost directly out of pharmaceutical company coffers. -
Declining Violent Crime
Riots and murders in certain cities that promote unrest notwithstanding, the overall national violent crime rate has declined significantly for two straight years. Believe it or not, there are people who are upset by this trend, though they rarely say so publicly. -
Completely rebuilt the military.
To the tune of $2 trillion. Obviously, this upsets many who consider the U.S. military too powerful. -
Passed the largest package of Tax Cuts and reforms in American History
This included designating nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones in distressed cities and eliminated the Death Tax, which was destroying family farms. The child tax credit alone has saved families a lot of money, helping to close at least some of the gap between upper and lower income households. Although this probably cheapens the advantage held by the uber-rich only slightly, it can still be irritating, not to mention how it undermines mega-farming corporations, which had been getting excellent prices on farmland at the auction. -
Business red tape was slashed.
For every new regulation implemented, nearly eight were removed. This is bad for large mega-corporations, because they can easily navigate through complex regulations with their dedicated legal teams, while competing small businesses do not have the resources to do the same. Big business is not happy. -
Ended the war on American Energy.
The U.S. is now the #1 producer of oil and gas on Earth, and is now an energy-independent country, further embarrassing previous presidents who promised the same but never delivered. -
Established the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative
This is designed to help lift 50 million women in the developing world to a better situation by removing legal restrictions for legal contracts and owning property, leveling the playing field for credit, promoting freedom to travel, and lessening employment restrictions. Some people think this is a bad thing, for reasons too disgusting to mention here. -
He reorganized the Veterans Administration.
Remember all the veterans who had been dying while they waited months for treatment? You no longer hear about that because of all the changes made to the hospital procedures and directors, in addition to the policies that now permit vets to go outside the system if they can't get timely treatment. VA satisfaction ratings are now very high among veterans, but this does not make for happiness among people who preferred it the other way. -
Dismantled the ISIS caliphate.
While there are probably still ISIS faithfuls scattered around various parts of the Middle East, the caliphate itself no longer holds towns and regions captive. There have been some humanitarian stories about how women who came from around the world to support these brave fighters, but now feel betrayed and disillusioned, and while they seem to express a sense of liberation, others see this as a destruction of a briefly budding culture that will no longer impose a strong theocratic structure on the region. -
Implemented Medical Price Transparency.
The Trump administration has implemented an order establishing price transparency, making patients less susceptible to "surprise billing", to take effect on January 1, 2021. This was fought desperately by hospitals, since it will force them to disclose their normally secret fee structure. Trump didn't make many friends with hospital administrators on this one. -
He appoints "Originalists" to the Supreme Court.
An originalist interprets the U.S. Constitution according to the intent and meaning of the words written at the time it was adopted. This is very restrictive to those who prefer a more fluid approach to interpreting law based on prevailing, personal, or the latest political attitudes.
If these actions make you angry as well, you can show your support for the Democratic party by going to the Biden/Harris web site at http://www.antifa.com.