Weather Modification

The U.S. government has been working on various weather modification experiments and projects since 1947.

Since the 1960s, we have had the ability to dramatically reduce the severity of, or actually break up hurricanes.

An article from Britannica describes some of the known techniques that have been employed for cloud seeding, fog dispersal, hail suppression, hurricane seeding and steering, and other geoengineering projects.

There are reports that FEMA is confiscating supplies and rescue equipment that volunteer search and rescuers are bringing with them. There are even reports that the confiscated items are being redirected to sanctuary cities.

Scientists Conform Weather Weapons Being Used To Collapse Civilization and Depopulate Humanity

Ben Swann Calls Out the Media Hypocrisy

McGregor Interview

Deep Roots At Home notes on weather modification.

Cloud Seeding - Good Morning America

Lt. Kristen Meghan explains how during the process of debunking chemtrail conspiracy theories, she became convinced of the validity of the concerns.

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Weather Modification
Posted: October 8, 2024
Updated: October 11, 2024