Social Engineering

Various topics about ongoing Social Engineering efforts.

Climate Change Explained: People need to 'trust the experts', even though they have been proven horribly wrong over the past couple of years, in order for the Climate Change Agenda to proceed.
Aurora Gang Takeovers: A detailed report of the situation in Aurora, Colorado, where Venezuelan gang members have taken over apartment complexes and are extorting payments from the residents.
Mass Psychosis: An excellent explanation of Mass Psychosis and why it should be understood by people who value freedom.

February 6, 2025

Government NGO Tracking: A database tool to track NGOs and principles' funding.

Sorry, folks, oil does not come from dinosaurs: Petroleum is made from aquatic phytoplankton and zooplankton, and because petroleum is created by biomass, plastic also is a form of biomass.

April 16, 2019

Media Narrative in Unison - A demonstration of how the mainstream media are all reading from the same script.
A Threat to National Identity: How to reprogram a society to remake it into something totally different.
How a Handful of Billionaires Created the Transgender Movement: An interview with Jennifer Bilek.
General The U.S. Constitution Human Trafficking Censorship Social Engineering Health Elections Media Site Map
Posted: January 12, 2022
Updated: February 6, 2025