74 Percent of Deaths
1 Minute 30 Seconds |
Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most widely published cardiac specialists in medicine, led a review of documented autopsy reports of persons who died soon after receiving a COVID-19 'vaccine' injection. The study found that nearly three quarters of those deaths could be attributed to the shot.
The researchers felt that it was such an important and alarming finding that they submitted it to The Lancet medical journal to alert the medical community in advance of the peer review process.
The journal posted it on their web page for about one day before removing the details; apparently, the conclusions reached did not mesh well with The Lancet's editorial policies. The content was removed before any peer review could be done, but an archived copy can be found here.
In this video, Dr. McCullough describes the process they went through for the study, and some of the information that was gleaned.
There is a video describing the findings in more detail with pathology slides from some of the autopsies (showing the damage to the heart muscle) from Dr. John Campbell.
A more detailed description of the paper and its censorship is available at The Epoch Times (there may be an account required to view it).
A cached copy of the paper itself is still available in PDF form here.
Another version is available at Preprints.org.