It's Not Over
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Did you think that the social changes resulting from COVID-19 are winding down, and that things will soon be getting back to normal? Think again.
The COVID-19 hysteria is just a small part of a plan that has been steadily unfolding for decades. It is not stopping now, not in the least; any appearance to that effect is part of the process. The people guiding these changes are zealots who have been planning the steps meticulously.
In this video, David Icke describes a lecture given by the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Richard Day, back in 1969. Before his presentation, he asked the attendees to not take notes and to make no recordings of what he was about to say, fearing repercussions since he would be discussing insider knowledge. But he did want his colleagues to have an idea of what was coming, so they could be better prepared.
Here are some of the things he said were part of the plan, as recalled by one of the attendees at this meeting of March 20, 1969:
- "We are going to make boys and girls the same."
- Child rearing responsibilities will shift from parents to the schools.
- Mass migration of people from different cultures will be necessary to break down cultural ties to allow central control.
- Behaviors will be guided by controlling information, via censorship, etc.
- "The continued pre-eminence of the United States...will have to be changed." (In order for the plan to succeed.)
- The economy will become cashless in order to permit tracking and control.
- Politicians are manipulated in ways they do not understand.
(A central theme of this manipulation is giving an altruistic reason for actions taken, when those actions actually lead to the opposite result of the stated purpose.) - If there are too many people resisting, there might be the need to have a nuclear war to convince those people to accept the system, to have peace.
- Terrorism is a tool used to convince people that the world is a dangerous place that can only be handled by control by the elites. Not enforcing laws and releasing dangerous criminals into the community has the same goal.
- Medical care would become very expensive and connected to your job, so that the elderly can be thinned out.
- Scientific research must be falsified to justify many goals. (Sound familiar?)
- The cost of housing and financing will prohibit people from buying homes; rentals will be the rule. Even as the market becomes flooded with vacant properties, prices will not come down.
- Growing your own food will become illegal. (There will be justifications fabricated to promote this. Already, some communities have done this.)
- Weather will be controlled to restrict food production.
- The purpose of guaranteed income is to prevent wealth accumulation by the masses, which would threaten the powerful.
Some things to look forward to:
According to Icke, "We are going to have challenges coming to us like machine-gun fire."
See also: The Revelations of Dr. Richard Day