Professor Dolores Cahill

17 Minutes

SARS-COVID mRNA Immunization Leads to Lifelong Complications

Professor Cahill explains existing research that shows that coronavirus mRNA vaccines have pre-disposed the host to cause an violent reaction when subsequently exposed to normally mild infections (even the common cold) later on.

Many deaths have been attributed to this effect, which is why there have been no approved coronavirus vaccines in the past. The reaction could be a month to a year or longer down the road, and produces a Cytokine Storm which would not normally be traced to the vaccine.

Basically, once you receive the vaccine, you will be much more susceptible to illnesses for the rest of your life.

Your body can never get rid of the virus particles that trigger the response, because you are now a genetically modified organism, producing these compounds within your own cells.

Overview What Doctors Say Irrationality The Virus The Vaccines Research Pandemic Origins Social Engineering Civil Liberties Site Map
Warnings Immune Disruption
Updated: May 21, 2024